That's Worth Repeating
That’s Worth Repeating is a fun, laid back podcast with unscripted conversations and story sharing. With 20+ years of friendship, travel and tomfoolery, we share our stories and hope to bring some light hearted fun and laughter into your day. Come hang out with us as we discuss current events, our past, the future and things we’ve read or heard recently. Who knows, you might find something that’s worth repeating!
That's Worth Repeating
Higher or Lower
In this fun episode, Marybeth quizzes the co-hosts on some interesting world facts and statistics.Each question features a specific percentage or number, and one co-host takes a guess. The other co-hosts can only respond with "higher" or "lower" and we will see who gets the closest! Think you know your world facts? Play along with us and see how well you do! Did you know more than us? It might not be that difficult. Join us for a lighthearted challenge that will have you guessing and laughing along with us.
#podcast #thatsworthrepeating #higherorlower #worldfacts #mteverest #niagrafalls #orangecats #scotland #extrarib #rice #whatpercentage #lefthandeddeaths#encyclopediabritannica #hawaiianalphabet #koalas #golfballdimples #paramountlogo #china #monopoly #oldestknownvegetable #mcdonalds