That's Worth Repeating
That’s Worth Repeating is a fun, laid back podcast with unscripted conversations and story sharing. With 20+ years of friendship, travel and tomfoolery, we share our stories and hope to bring some light hearted fun and laughter into your day. Come hang out with us as we discuss current events, our past, the future and things we’ve read or heard recently. Who knows, you might find something that’s worth repeating!
That's Worth Repeating
Road Trip!
After what felt like an eternity of "We're totally going on a co-host road trip" murmurings between everyone, Katie finally said, "Enough is enough!" and picked a date. Four out of five of us jumped on the bandwagon, and this is the tale of how it went down.
#thatsworthrepeating #podcast #friendship #roadtrip #owensboro #2ndandcharles #beallsoutlet #preservationstation #goodtimes #beefobradys #personalshopper #vinyls #vinylsareback #bookstore #books