That's Worth Repeating
That’s Worth Repeating is a fun, laid back podcast with unscripted conversations and story sharing. With 20+ years of friendship, travel and tomfoolery, we share our stories and hope to bring some light hearted fun and laughter into your day. Come hang out with us as we discuss current events, our past, the future and things we’ve read or heard recently. Who knows, you might find something that’s worth repeating!
That's Worth Repeating
Mouth taping, Olympics and tipping?!
This week on That’s Worth Repeating, Amy provides an update on her experience with mouth-taping. We delve into the comparison between the 2024 Olympics and the Olympics of our childhood. Lastly, we engage in a lively debate about tipping, exploring why it's based on a percentage of the bill rather than the "cost of service". Don't miss it!
#thatsworthrepeating #podcast #2024olympics #olympics #mouthtaping #tipping #tippingpercentage #opinions #costofservice #tums #tumsarelikecandynow